Thursday, June 27, 2013

35 Weeks

Well here we are at 35 weeks! I can't believe it's only a matter of days until our little nugget will be here! Time has really flown by these last 2 trimesters (although the first one seemed to draaaaag).

Joshua Holt is the size of a coconut this week and on his way to being a honeydew melon! His growth won't change too much now in the coming weeks in terms of length. He's probably about 17-19 inches and will only grow a few more before birth. He probably weighs around 4-6 (!) pounds by now and is working on getting chubby! By week 35 his hearing, circulatory and musculoskeletal systems are all finished and his lungs are completely mature (yay!)

Mommy is doing pretty good for the most part although I'm starting to get in the "uncomfortable" stage!  I'm officially waddling instead of walking and definitely feel large and exhausted most of the time. I'm still enjoying having him in my belly but both Jon and I are SO ready for him to be here! Josh's movements have become more pushing and rolling than the kicks and jabs which means he's starting to run out of room in there! He especially loves sticking his little feet and knees in my ribs and then rolling around. Definitely painful for Mommy! He's still head down which is putting a lot of pressure on my hips and pelvis. I haven't noticed too many Braxton Hicks the past couple of weeks. Occasionally I'll get little pains here and there but nothing too bad.

My latest symptom has been swollen feet and ankles! Oh it's such a glamorous and beautiful pregnancy symptom...NOT! I'm trying to stay off my feet as much as possible (good excuse to read and watch movies!) and am drinking lots and lots of water. It does seem a bit ridiculous that the way to fight water retention is to drink more water! So far, my blood pressure has been normal and I'm not swollen anywhere else thank you Lord! And my sweet hubby rubs my feet every night...and also laughs at how weird they look!

This week we set up his cradle, got a glider and are meeting his pediatrician! Checking things off that list! I love it!

Here's a picture of Josh and Mommy at 35 weeks large!

How far along: 35 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: + 20 lbs (I have a weigh in later today so I'm sure it will be a couple lbs more!)
Maternity clothes: Yes! Tanks and shorts in this hot summer heat!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Sleep is hit or miss. Some nights I'll only get up once and am able to fall right back to sleep. Other nights I can be up for hours at a time. 
Best moment this week: Setting up his cradle and our rocking chair and packing the hospital bag!
Miss anything: Normal sized feet! It's frustrating that my shoes get smaller throughout the day! I also miss sleeping on my stomach!
Movement: His movements haven't slowed but they definitely feel different. More rolling and sliding than sharp kicks and jabs. Although when he gets in my ribs it takes my breath away sometimes!
Food cravings: Cheerios and Starbucks bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches! Super healthy I know!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just heartburn/indigestion. It's gotten better now that I'm taking some meds but I still occasionally have issues. 
Have you started to show yet: Ooooooh yes! Still having people tell me I'm tiny (which I appreciate) and even the doctor said recently that everything is tight and compact :)
Gender: Baby Boy!
Labor Signs: Pressure and some occasional pain but no real signs of labor yet.
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen feet/ankles
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: Just wearing my wedding band now! I can still get them on but I'm fearful of them getting stuck so I took the thicker engagement band off for now. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Although it's getting frustrating to not be able to do everything I used to do without having to take a break. 
Looking forward to: Josh's Gigi coming to town, Baby shower on Sunday and our hospital tour on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to see you tomorrow!! You look fabulous! I still think you look small- though I know you don't think so :) We are praying for much peace and health for the final stretch. God is so good!
    Love you! Gigi
