Wednesday, June 19, 2013

34 Weeks and Happy Birthday Winnie!

We got a good report at our 33 week appointment last week! I can't believe how close we are to the end. Less than 6 weeks until we meet this little dude! Unless of course he decides to hang out in mommy longer than that. We will pray he comes on his due date or before then!

Right now Joshua is the size of a butternut squash or a small pumpkin. That's right...a PUMPKIN! We don't know his exact measurements but he could be anywhere from 4.2-5.8 pounds and 17 - 18.5 inches long. He now keeps his eyes open when he's awake and is starting to coordinate his breathing, sucking and swallowing. His bones are continuing to harden and he's growing through major brain development. He's been head down for a couple weeks now and continues to slide his bum and legs and tiny feet all around my ribs. His heartbeat was 145 and mommy's belly measured at 31 cm and has gained 20 (YIKES) pounds so far.

Mommy is starting to feel pretty uncomfortable. It's getting difficult to get off the couch and out of bed with this big belly in the way! I'm starting to get hot flashes occasionally (the summer heat doesn't help!) and it's hard to take a deep breath. My ankles are starting to swell up when I'm on my feet a lot so I have to remember to prop my feet up throughout the day. I'm still experiencing major heartburn but I got a prescription for some super strength Pepcid. Hopefully that will do the trick!

We have our hospital tour scheduled as well as our first consult with the pediatrician. Those were the last "big" things on my list to set up so I'm so glad they are in place! I also am working on packing for the hospital and sorting through cute little boy clothes. So fun! My goal is to be pretty much set by the end of this month after my baby shower so that Jon and I can try and relax in July until he gets here.

Some really exciting news this past week was the birth of Josh's cousin Winnie! I love that they will only be about 6 weeks apart! She is a beautiful, precious baby girl and we are so happy for Taylor and Stephanie! We can't wait to meet her! Lots of baby fun will be happening at Thanksgiving this year! We can't wait!

Here's some pictures of us at 34 weeks from our maternity photo shoot

Momma's getting big!

One of my favorite pictures from our shoot :)

How far along: 34 weeks + 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: + 20 lbs 
Maternity clothes: Yes! All that is left in my closet is stuff that I know will fit these last few weeks. No more frustration trying to figure out what will fit this belly!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Now that Josh is head down I'm definitely using the bathroom more frequently. Usually I get up twice at night but sometimes only once (which is wonderful!)
Best moment this week: So many things! The birth of my niece Winnie, taking our maternity pictures, and being able to tell people I'm due next MONTH!
Miss anything: I'm still feeling pretty good but I miss sleeping on my back and being able to move around easily.  
Movement: He's a little mover! He slides all over the place and pushes out all the time.
Food cravings: Anything cold with this Florida heat! Been craving strawberries this week also.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still having a daily battle with heartburn but hopefully my new meds will help.
Have you started to show yet: Yes! Most people tell me I'm tiny for being 3 weeks from full term but I feel like a giant whale. The husband assures me that I don't look pregnant from the back despite my complaints of back fat and a larger caboose :)
Gender: Man Child!
Labor Signs: Mostly just feeling lots of pressure and occasionally some back pain. Not feel Braxton Hicks this week but they are probably happening. 
Symptoms: Heartburn, swollen feet/ankles, back pain
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: Just wearing my wedding band now! I can still get them on but I'm fearful of them getting stuck so I took the thicker engagement band off for now. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Sometimes I feel pretty tired and am really ready to have this boy and that can make me a bit cranky. 
Looking forward to: My baby shower next week!

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