Monday, January 28, 2013

13 Weeks!

In addition to continuing to post recipes, I will also be tracking Baby Brown's growth (and mine!) on this blog. My goal is to do a baby update once a week with pictures and progress.

We have made it to week 13! Baby Brown (affectionately known as Squinky until we find out the sex) is the size of a peach! Lots of changes are happening this week and next - baby will double in weight, is growing vocal chords, fingerprints, and hair AND is continuing to develop reflexes. Some say baby will start to suck his/her thumb at this point too. So sweet!

This week I went back to work (back pain keeps me from being able to sit for too long so I'm only working half days for now), I cleaned the apartment and did laundry, and made it back to church! HUGE milestones for me after being practically bedridden for 5 weeks! So grateful!

So here I am at 6 weeks when we found out we were expecting! No bump at all (except for the pooch I started with!)

Annnnd here I am at 13 weeks and a few days! I still don't have a permanent bump but I definitely am noticing a rounder belly (most of which is probably still bloat at this point) and especially in the mornings when I first wake up or after I drink lots of water. The bump comes and goes!

I'm totally stealing this idea from my sister-in-law Stephanie (and Pinterest) but I figured it was the easiest way to let you all know what's happening!

How far along: 13 weeks and 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: Not positive but probably around 2-3 pounds
Maternity clothes: None yet! My pants are still buttoning!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Sleeping has been harder to come by the past couple weeks. I am exhausted still but don't always sleep well or as long as I would like. Leg cramps or back pain will wake me up sometimes.
Best moment this week: Going back to church after 5 weeks!
Have you told family and friends? Yes!
Miss anything: I miss cooking and meal planning (and my husband does too!) Hopefully I will get back to it soon!
Movement: None yet! Should happen in the next month or so.
Food cravings: Now that my appetite is coming back I have different cravings each day. This week Squinky has wanted ham sandwiches with pickles, chocolate pudding, and sour gummy worms!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still can't eat eggs or chicken and certain smells make me queasy (like when the oven or stove is on).
Have you started to show yet: Not enough to call it a bump yet :)
Gender: Jon and I both think it's a girl, but we won't find out for another month. We would be equally happy with a boy too!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Nausea in the mornings before I eat, lower back pain, occasional cramps and migraines.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody! My poor husband! I've had a few meltdowns this week. He just lets me cry it out and tells me it's gonna be ok :) Now that I'm starting to feel better I'm getting more and more excited though!
Looking forward to: Feeling flutters and finding out the gender!

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