I can't believe our little buddy is 9 weeks old (well technically today he is 10 weeks but I realized I didn't post this one)! Time seemed to go so slowly when I was pregnant and now it's going by SO fast - I wish some days that it would slow down! I was going through Josh's clothes the other day trying to figure out what newborn things need to be packed away and almost started crying! Our boy is growing up and while I'm so looking forward to him getting older I already miss my tiny guy who slept all the time and snuggled with me!
We had an eventful week, but not in the best way. Josh unfortunately came down with a cold or some sort of virus like that and was coughing and congested and also had a high temperature for about 24 hours. This momma was definitely worried about her boy! We've been adding vitamin D drops once a day to his morning bottle and hopefully that will help strengthen his little immune system. He's doing much better now!
We also had our first visit to the pediatrician and we really liked our new doctor. She said that Josh is right on track with his weight gain and we've got a really looooong and tall boy on our hands! No wonder his little newborn sleepers weren't fitting well anymore! He's skinny and tall - just like daddy!
Jon is enjoying his job at Wells Fargo and is loving working downtown. We are excited to explore the area on our date nights. We've been visiting some local churches and are praying and asking the Lord to reveal to us where we are supposed to be.
What Josh is up to:
- At his checkup (9 wks) he weighed 11.5 lbs (50th percentile) and was 24.5 inches (90th percentile)
- Still smiling lots! (Mostly in the morning after he eats)
- Sleeping so-so during the day (hit or miss with naps) but is sleeping great at night! (6-8hrs the past few nights!)
- His hair is growing (looks like light brown!)
- Eyes are gray/green/brown and change depending on what he's wearing.
- He's starting to kick and move his arms LOTS and will sometimes hit hanging toys above him
- Still not great at tummy time but he swivels himself around in a circle with his legs
- Holds his head up pretty well when being held
- Likes to play on the floor with cousin Winnie
I love capturing all his silly faces |
Sick but still smiling! |
This picture cracks me up |
Poor little sick buddy! |
Family breakfast on Saturday! |
My little monkey boy looking so grown up! |