Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pizza Pizza!

Pizza is one of the things I miss. I've literally been craving it ever since it became something I couldn't have. Because I am a huge overachiever when it comes to cooking I wanted to make my own pizza crust...and that never happened because of a number of excuses. Don't be like me and make excuses. Anyway, I finally caved at the grocery store because my stomach was screaming "FEED ME PIZZA" and I bought Udi's gluten free frozen pizza crust. Don't judge. I'll make my own eventually, but this was just fine for me, the hubs and my screaming stomach. They are tiny itty bitty crusts and come with 2 per package. The husband and I ate both in one sitting...no leftovers. Don't be like us. Eat a normal portion size and save the leftovers. That's the sensible thing to do. Obviously you could make whatever kind you like but I chose BBQ Chicken and Buffalo Chicken...yum and yum. Here's how I made it!

BBQ Chicken Pizza

What you need
- 1 gluten free pizza crust
- 1 C cooked shredded chicken
- GF BBQ sauce
- 1/4 of a red onion, sliced
- Mozzarella cheese
- Green onion

- Start by preheating your oven to 375

- Rub a bit of olive oil into the crust and bake for 1-2 minutes, just to crisp it up a bit

- Put the shredded chicken in a bowl and add a few tablespoons of bbq sauce and mix well

- This is the kind of BBQ sauce I used. Making your own is very simple but I didn't have the time. This was the ONLY kind of BBQ at Publix that didn't have high fructose corn syrup in it. Plus it said gluten free on the label...bonus! Read those labels people!

- Cut up the mozzarella into squares or rounds depending on the kind you have and place on the crust. I always use fresh mozzarella...I don't like the pre-shredded stuff but if you do that's fine to use too!

 - Add the chicken and slices of red onion

- Add a few more tablespoons of the BBQ sauce on top and some more cheese

 - Bake until the cheese is melted and the crust is crispy. Top with green onion and serve!

 Buffalo Chicken Pizza (really similar to the BBQ...just different sauces)

What you need
- 1 gluten free pizza crust
- 1 C cooked shredded chicken
- Buffalo sauce
- Ranch dressing
- Red onion, sliced
- Mozzarella cheese, shredded
- Green onion (optional)


- Prepare the crust the same way as the BBQ recipe above

- To the shredded chicken add a couple of tablespoons of buffalo sauce and mix well

- When your crust is ready add the chicken to the crust

 - Add the red onion and drizzle some ranch dressing over the top. Then add mozzarella cheese. I shredded the mozzarella for this one because I wanted it really cheesy!

- Bake at 375 until the cheese is completely melted and the crust is crispy. You can put green onions on top of this too if you want some color and have some leftover.

 Ohhhhhh man these were so good. Craving satisfied!

Serve with a side salad for a complete meal!

Like I said before, you can create your own and play around with the toppings. It's hard to ruin pizza!

1 comment:

  1. I made homemade pizza this past week, too!! haha :) Your BBQ chicken pizza looks delicious!
