Tuesday, August 19, 2014

12 Months of Josh

I'm behind in posting Josh's last monthly update. Between preparing for his birthday party, still doing some projects around the house, and preparing for the start of the school year (which for me means the start of 3 new jobs) there just hasn't been much time for blogging!

So, even though he's halfway through the month I still wanted to share a bit of what Josh is up to these days. Plus I thought it would be fun to share all of his monthly photos to see the change in him over this past year! What a fun year it has been!

Josh is an absolute joy. I can't believe I get to be his mommy and spend every day with him. This has been a really big month for him. He's officially walking more than crawling and has mastered getting to standing from sitting. It's so fun watching his brain work and figure things out!

We have a pretty good schedule going. He's still sleeping well at night and I can usually count on at least one good nap. The second nap is hit or miss but he's not able to make it through the day with just one nap yet so we will stick with two for now. He's a great eater and definitely loves food! He will try just about anything! He's still not a huge fan of chicken and prefers ground beef in the meat department. He loves bananas, peas and will eat cheese all day if I let him. Also...goldfish. He shoves those babies in 4-5 at a time.

New skills: Walking!! He rarely crawls anymore because now he can stand back up if he falls. He's getting used to walking in his shoes which is super cute. He also is practicing eating with a fork and has started blowing kisses. He's pointing now too but with his whole hand. We'll work on getting that index finger!

Language: Josh is definitely a talker! I love hearing his little voice. He makes a lot of sounds but only has a few actual words that I can understand. Obviously he says mama and dada (still very selective with mama though!) but he also says book & cracker (pretty clearly) and then he says doggie and froggie but no one else would know that's what he's saying other than us :) His receptive language is really good and he understands quite a bit. He can follow commands and looks right at something and sometimes points when we ask him where it is. I just started working with him on naming his belly, nose, eyes and ears. He can sign "all done" and "more" too!

Measurements: Josh is just over 20 lbs and 30 inches long. He's mostly wearing size 9-12 month clothes and is in size 3 shoes. I love dressing my little man!

Favorite Activities: Walking all over the house! He's still super interested in books and will bring me books all day long. He also loves playing with his new birthday toys and dancing to music. He loves the water (both bath and pool), going on walks and wrestling with daddy.

Best Moments: When he walks over to me and gives me a big hug, hearing him laugh with his daddy, and celebrating his 1st birthday!

Bath time = best time!

Spending some time with Mimi at a Disney pool. She gives him whatever he wants :)

Mickey Wubba!

Trying out his new drumset from Gigi and Pop Pop

I love these pictures! 

Always on the go!

Climbing on his new table from Gamps and Mimi

Visiting daddy at work!

Monthly Photos

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