Tuesday, April 16, 2013

25 Weeks

Josh and I have definitely grown this week! In comparison with last week's pictures my belly is definitely more out there! We are at 25 weeks and 2 days right now...3 weeks until my 3rd trimester and only 15 weeks until we meet our guy! We can't wait!

This week has been pretty good. I was having a really hard time sleeping a few nights in a row. I'm getting to the point where I can't get comfortable on my side because of the pressure on my stomach. No matter what side I try to lay on, Josh always starts kicking on the side I'm on. Hard and powerful kicks. I love kicks, but not when I'm trying to sleep! Jon has been really understanding and has given up our bed the past few nights so that I'm able to stretch out and not worry about disturbing him. Sleep has been a lot better the past couple of nights so I'm hoping it stays that way for a little while longer! I've also noticed some slightly painful twinges and pangs in my abdomen, which may be stretching but could also be the beginning of Braxton Hick's.

I'm finishing up my job at my dad's office in the next few weeks as well. I'm looking forward to having time to organize the house and "nest" for a while before our little dude comes along. Jon and I are also taking some time the first week of May to have a "babymoon" - which is a vacation before the baby comes. Instead of taking the time and money to travel and stay somewhere, we decided to stay home and do things locally that we haven't done before or that we won't be able to do once Joshua comes. We're planning on a beach day, eating out at nice restaurants, and possibly going to a show or concert. We are really looking forward to spending uninterrupted time together!

Here's some pictures from this week!

Feeding my Italian Ice craving! Mmmm!

How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: + 11 lbs
Maternity clothes: I'm loving maternity jeans! I had a moment the other day when I was trying to find a shirt for work and NONE of them seemed to work. Time to get some bigger sizes!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: A few really rough nights this week (sometimes I wouldn't get to sleep until 3 or 4 am) but the past couple of nights have been better
Best moment this week: Jon seeing Josh push my belly out with some big kicks. So fun!
Miss anything: This week I've missed sleep!  
Movement: Lots and lots of kicks all over the place. I've felt him move up near my ribs this week too which is new.
Food cravings: Italian Ice (thank you Jeremiah's!), cranberry juice, and crushed ice :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn and acid reflux are definitely in full force these days so sometimes I'll feel a little queasy if it's really bad. But cold water and tums seem to help take the edge off for now
Have you started to show yet: Yes! 
Gender: BOY!!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Occasional upper back pain (rib area), heartburn, and possible Braxton Hicks
Belly button in or out: In (but barely!)
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was emotional this week because of my lack of sleep. Last night Jon got take out for dinner and as soon as we sat down to eat I didn't want it anymore. Like was literally repulsed by it. I felt so bad that he had spent money on something I didn't end up wanting that I broke down in tears. He made me a PB&J and then everything was fine. LOL! My husband is awesome.
Looking forward to: My last few weeks of work and planning our babymoon. Also scheduling our 4D ultrasound to get a peek at our little guy!

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates Julie! I'll be praying for sleep for the 3 of you <3
