Wednesday, February 20, 2013

16 weeks of Baby Brown!

I am shamefully behind on this post seeing as how I'm now 17 weeks but I figured I would update you all anyway! This past week has been pretty good! I'm definitely starting to embrace the second trimester and all of it's pleasantries. Most of the symptoms I was battling in the first trimester have ended and I'm now on to some new ones! I still have occasional moments of nausea (mostly when I get really hungry) and mornings are still a little difficult for me because I have to eat A LOT before I feel well enough to get the day started. But otherwise, I'm feeling so much better than even last week!

The husband and I celebrated Valentine's Day together with a steak dinner (the first dinner I've cooked since week 7!) and a date to the Magic/Bobcats basketball game. We celebrated my sister's 10th birthday and are starting to plan a vacation before the baby comes.

What baby is up to:
A lot is happening with Squinky! He or She is now able to hear our voices and my heartbeat, growing hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows, forming tastebuds and weighs about 3.5 ounces! Squinky is also really active and I should be able to feel movement in the next couple of weeks (can't wait for that!)

Here's some pictures from this week and the stats below:

I feel SO fat! This was at the end of the day so I was full and bloated but there's definitely a belly!

Hey look! It's sticking out!

How far along: 16 weeks and 5 days (when the pictures were taken)
Total weight gain/loss: I have definitely gained weight but just not sure how much. According to the scale about 2-3 pounds 
Maternity clothes: None yet! I'm still wearing my regular stuff but my pants are uncomfortable!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Sleep this week has been a little hard. I get tired easily and early and usually wake up once or twice in the middle of the night.
Best moments this week: Cooking 2 dinners (husband was HAPPY!), celebrating Valentine's Day, and going on a date with my husband!
Have you told family and friends? Yes!
Miss anything: I miss my pre-pregnant energy and not getting worn out!
Movement: I'm not sure. Sometimes if I lay really still I feel little flutters but not sure if that's baby or not. Hoping the movement will increase in the coming weeks!
Food cravings: Grape juice, Iced green tea from Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A and Fried Pickles from 4 Rivers!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Certain smells are still icky but I only get nauseous when I go too long without eating something
Have you started to show yet: Yep! Got a little bump (teeny in the morning and grows throughout the day lol!)
Gender: I keep going back and forth and honestly have no idea. Only a week and a half until we (hopefully) find out!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Nausea if I don't eat enough, sharp abdominal pains when I move/shift posititions or sneeze, occasionally dizzy but not too bad
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Except when I get hungry :)
Looking forward to: Feeling more distinct movement and finding out the gender!

1 comment:

  1. We were praying for you and little Brown this morning! You look beautiful and we LOVE seeing the precious bump :)
