Sunday, February 10, 2013

15 weeks!

Well we made it to 15 weeks! I can't believe it! I thought the first trimester (and sickness) would never end! Last week I had some random bouts of nausea and sickness and actually had to miss work for a couple days. I'm not really sure why the sickness returned but the past few days have been pretty good in the nausea department so I'm hoping it stays that way! As long as I keep eating every 2 hours and drink plenty of fluids I'm usually pretty good. I have started to get headaches and round ligament pain since everything is stretching out and moving but nothing too painful yet. I get really sharp pains when I cough, sneeze or laugh too hard and I feel like my muscles are always sore!

I had a checkup last week and got to hear little Squinky's heartbeat for the 3rd time! It's the most comforting and precious sound! (especially after being so sick) It was loud and strong at 156 bpm and sounded like lots of horses galloping. Last time we heard the heartbeat the little babe was on my left side, and now he or she is in the middle. The doctor had some trouble finding it because she said the baby was moving around in there! Crazy!

I haven't gained any weight yet (actually lost a pound from my last visit) but the doctor assured me it's coming soon. Since I was so sick it's actually pretty remarkable that 1 pound is all I lost! We scheduled a sonogram to find out the gender for next month! Eeeek! I'm SO excited to find out what little Squink is! Jon and I keep going back and forth on our guesses on what we think. We both thought girl initially but I wouldn't be surprised if Squink is a boy :) Only 3 more weeks until the big reveal! Hoping Squinky isn't too modest to show off for us!

I actually went grocery shopping this week! Another HUGE deal! I definitely had to avoid certain areas of the store (like the seafood and meat department...blech). I'm still not really cooking much because I can't stand the smell of the oven or stove being on. I miss being able to cook! Jon has been amazingly helpful this whole time and is constantly making me food, doing the dishes and laundry and making sure I'm feeling good. He's going to be the best daddy!

So here are some pictures from this week! I'm definitely popping out now! A lot of it is still bloat but I'm starting to look pregnant now (so fun!) and my clothes are now starting to be tighter. I'm still able to wear all of my jeans (standing in them is WAY easier than sitting!) so I'm trying to wear them out before I have to get some maternity pants. Hoping to make it a few more weeks in them!

This is the mid-morning bump
And the afternoon after lunch bump

Our little orange!

One of my cravings this week! Cheddar and sour cream Ruffles!

How far along: 15 weeks and 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: - 1 lb but trying to gain some back!
Maternity clothes: None yet! I can't deny the pooch that's happening though!
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well. I still need a lot more sleep than usual and sometimes I have to take a melatonin to get to sleep. I usually wake up once around 3-4 am and am able to go back to sleep for a couple more hours until I wake up STARVING!
Best moments this week: Going to the grocery store, re-joining the worship team at church, and hearing Squinky's heartbeat last week!
Have you told family and friends? Yes!
Miss anything: With my muscles being sore I desperately want a really hot bubble bath!
Movement: I'm not sure. Sometimes if I lay really still I feel little flutters but not sure if that's baby or not. Hoping the movement will increase in the coming weeks!
Food cravings: Cereal, fruit, grape juice and sour/tangy candy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The oven/stove smell, and my sense of smell is still really heightened so sometimes "bad" smells will seem WAY worse
Have you started to show yet: Yep! Got a little bump (teeny in the morning and grows throughout the day lol!)
Gender: Jon and I both have predicted a girl, but we still go back and forth. Only 3 weeks until we know for sure!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Nausea if I don't eat quickly enough, aches and pains throughout the day and occasional headaches.
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I definitely feel a change in my mood the past 2 weeks. I'm not as emotional (although I still cry fairly often). The husband says he thinks my mood is much improved :)
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and seeing baby again, celebrating our last Valentine's day as a family of 2, and hopefully cooking again eventually!


  1. A glorious update Julie- thank you!! Not being able to see you- this is such a treat!! I LOVE the bump :). We continue to pray for you, Jon and Squinky :). We can't wait to find out who the Lord is creating in your body too!!
    Love you!

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