Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Josh's Nursery

We've officially been in our new house here in Florida for about 2 weeks now. We are (mostly) unpacked with the exception of pictures and decorative things and we are absolutely loving setting everything up. It's so much fun figuring out where things are going to go! Our first few days in the house were spent painting and unpacking the necessities, setting up furniture, installing the internet and cable, etc. Jon and I would work after he got home from his work day while Wubba slept at my mom's house (which is conveniently only 6 miles away!) We worked our tails off but are SO happy with the way the house is looking. We still have some projects left on our list to tackle over the next couple weeks but we are almost there! I will do a blog post on our house when it's all done.

My first goal (after getting the necessities unpacked) was to set up Josh's nursery. Since we moved to Charlotte 6 weeks after he was born, I didn't set one up in our apartment. Once we got to Charlotte we stayed with family for 2 months (no nursery) and when we got into our own house we painted Josh's room and set up his crib right away. But I took my time figuring out what I wanted on the walls and how to incorporate a music/guitar theme without going too overboard. After a while, we started praying about moving back to Florida so I held off on his nursery.

Now that I know we are in this house for at least the next year I was determined for Josh to have his room. It's about a year later than I expected but I love how it came together!

Josh's finished room! 

I'm may add more over his crib...just not sure what yet. 

Our sweet neighbor painted this before we even knew what theme we were going to do for his room. I love how well it matches his bedding!

Lyrics from some of our (and therefore Josh's) favorite bands

Collage above his dresser

Birth stats and things from the hospital


Where we rock and sing every night 

Closet! (and storage)

Hey mom! Whatcha doin?

More posts on the house to come! In the meantime I've gotta get back to planning a 1st birthday party!

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