Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Snow-pocalypse Recap

If I've learned one thing in the past few weeks it's that snow is overrated.

Highly overrated.

Sure it looks pretty in pictures and the Christmas songs that mention snow are all up beat and fun. But snow is cold. And wet. And prohibits you from leaving your front door for days.

No thanks.

Charlotte usually doesn't get much snow. Except for this year. Of course, the year we move up here they get the biggest snow and ice accumulation in 10 years. These Florida people were cold folks! Initially it was fun. We took Josh out in it and made our cute little snow man and watched the flakes fall. And then we were done. But the snow kept coming down. For days.

So, I ate chocolate. I watched movies. And I thanked God that my husband wasn't stuck downtown somewhere and was allowed to work from home. And when the sun finally came out again I decided to never complain about it being too hot ever again!

Snow…it's overrated. But it sure is pretty!

Heading out to look at the snow
Just starting to fall

Our street being blanketed...

Hubby building a snowman

He looks cold don't you think?

Cutie boy

The view out our front door

The sun is FINALLY peeking through!

Our street

Josh and Mommy...brrrrr

He wasn't too interested in this snow stuff

Fun for a while...then we all wanted to get warm!

Here's to spring showing up real soon!

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