Monday, February 29, 2016

35 Weeks

Well here we are in the last few weeks of pregnancy #2! I know I still have some time left, but so far this pregnancy has really gone quickly. I'm sure being busy and keeping up with the toddler has something to do with that, but I'm really grateful! Our days are pretty low key (except for Fridays when I work at the school teaching music and coaching cheerleading) and I'm enjoying the leisurely times while they last. Most days we are hanging out at home with the occasional outing for errands, playing at the park, walk around the neighborhood, or getting the latest food cravings :) Jon has been taking over most of Josh duty for me once he gets home at night and just allows me to rest which is wonderful! I love watching the bonding that happens between my boys as they play cars, build elaborate train tracks or have dance parties together. I am constantly praying for Josh and his adjustment to baby girl when she arrives!

Speaking of our little lady, we had a bit of a "scare" (or just mom being paranoid) a little bit ago when her movements suddenly slowed way down for a couple days. She was still moving it just felt different and she wouldn't respond quickly to the usual stimulants (sugar, drinking something cold, etc) So, we had an ultrasound just to make sure everything was a-ok. It was very comforting to see her again! She looked absolutely perfect and healthy...except she had flipped head up, which explained her lack of movement in her usual places. My doctor assured me that there was still plenty of time for her to flip again and get in birthing position, and at my appointment last Monday she was head down! Hallelujah! She IS moving a lot more now, especially at night because I feel her the most right before I fall asleep and any time I wake up at night she's kicking away! She is measuring a little bit ahead (she was over 4 pounds at the ultrasound) but of course estimates can be wrong. Mommy is measuring on track with my belly measuring right at 34cm and a weight gain of 23 pounds. She wasn't too cooperative at giving us a good face shot at the ultrasound because she was sleeping with her sweet little hand up by her face (just like her brother!) We are SO eager to see what she's going to look like!

35 weeks at our maternity/family photo shoot

We started work on her nursery and are almost finished painting (her walls are a beautiful pale mint with a white accent wall) and most of her other things (bedding, storage bins, picture frames) will be pink. I'm starting to get the nesting bug and want to organize all the closets and drawers which sounds great until I actually start and then run out of energy! Everything will eventually get done right? And if not, Lylah obviously won't care one bit! Once I'm finished working (only 1 more week to go!) I plan on tackling more of the cleaning and organizing side of things to keep myself busy. Here's some pictures that I'm drawing inspiration from for Lylah's room!

Jon and I went away this past weekend for a night (THANK YOU to my mom for keeping Wubba for us!) We enjoyed a MuteMath concert Friday night and stayed overnight on Disney property. The next day we slept in (!!!) had breakfast in bed, went shopping at the outlet mall and had a quiet sit-down lunch together (I can't remember the last time that happened!) I'm so grateful for my hubby. He is my favorite person to spend time with :) We also visited my grandma Jo's grave because it would have been her 82nd birthday on Saturday. It was the first time I had been to her grave since we found out about Lylah, so I was a bit emotional. I'm grateful for the legacy Mom Jo left and for the stories of her love that we will be able to tell Lylah.
Meeting Todd after the Mutemath show! He plays keys, guitar and BGV's and is awesome

Visiting Mom Jo's grave with Lylah

Next up on our agenda is buying a new car (Jon's need a lot of work done to it and instead of fixing it we are looking at getting a bigger family car), finishing the nursery, Lylah's baby shower, and tackling my "to do before Lylah" list! Not much longer before our little girl is here!

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