Monday, November 30, 2015

Lady Lylah

Well, it's official! We are having a GIRL! We are all beyond thrilled and can't wait to welcome our sweet little princess. Jon and I both suspected it was a girl pretty much my entire pregnancy so far, and Josh even answered "girl" every time I asked him what the baby would be, but I had really prepared myself for it to be a boy (which would've been GREAT too!) I cried when the technician confirmed our suspicions that we were indeed looking at our little girl on the screen! We are still trying to wrap our heads around the news!

God's timing in this pregnancy has really blown us away. We found out we were pregnant at the end of one of the saddest weeks I've experienced in a while. My grandma, Mom Jo, had just passed away suddenly and although we were at peace knowing she was with Jesus, it was still very difficult. I had always been extremely close with her and the thought of her no longer being with us was hard to imagine. When I found out we were pregnant the day after her funeral, I immediately thought of how happy she would be, especially if this baby turned out to be a girl. We had always talked with Mom Jo about naming her Lylah, after Mom Jo's mother. I thought the name was beautiful, feminine and different without being over-the-top trendy. I love that Mom Jo knew that was always our plan for our first girl. A few months before Mom Jo passed, we decided that if and when we got our Lylah girl, that her middle name would be Jo. Mom Jo was absolutely thrilled when we told her and I am so grateful that we got to share that with her before she died.

Even though we would have been so happy with another boy, this baby girl is really a special gift from the Lord in light of Mom Jo passing. What was a terribly hard and sad time for everyone became a little brighter with the news of this little one. I wish Mom Jo could be here to meet her and love on her. Lylah Jo means: The Lord adds or increases. It is such a great reminder that the Lord gives, and takes away. We lost a wonderful woman and a cornerstone of our family, but I know every time I look at our Lylah Jo, I will think of my sweet Mom Jo's smile and southern drawl, and I am grateful.

Here's a little update on our girl and mommy too:

Our sweet girl at 18 weeks 3 days

We were able to see everything we needed on the ultrasound, including a VERY clear confirmation that she is indeed, a girl :) We saw all 4 heart chambers beating (the technician said she had a beautiful heart!), we saw her kidneys, brain, spine (also said to be beautiful!), and all her fingers and toes. She opened her mouth and got the hiccups at one sweet! All of her measurements were right on track, and she's even slightly chubby at this point (a relief for mommy who was so sick and hasn't been able to gain too much weight). She's about as perfect as she can be and we are so grateful and thrilled! Also great news was that my hematoma, which caused me to experience bleeding at 10 weeks and be put on bedrest and restricted activity, is completely gone! Such a huge answer to our prayers! Also great news is that so far, my blood pressure and vitals have all been normal (I was already having high blood pressure with Josh at this point) so I am so grateful!

Can't wait to put cute little shoes on those feet!

A 4D image of her with her little hand over her face...just like big brother!

Mommy is feeling pretty good these days. I'm having a lot more "pains" than I remember with Josh, but nothing alarming. Mostly round ligament stuff and stretching. I'm over the nausea/sickness (can I get an AMEN!) and now that I know my hematoma is healed, I can begin to be more active again. It's been really hard for me to be somewhat stationary, especially trying to entertain and care for Josh. I'm glad I took the time to rest, but am so grateful things can be a bit more "normal" now. Here's a picture of Lylah and Mommy at 21 weeks!

How far along: 21 weeks...officially halfway there!
Total weight gain/loss: + 7.5 pounds 
Maternity clothes: Mostly just maternity pants and my regular tops still with tanks underneath. Also at home when we don't have anywhere to be I live in yoga pants and t-shirts
Stretch marks: None. 
Sleep: I'm usually waking up around 3-4 am to go to the bathroom and usually have to eat a little something then too. Sometimes I'm able to get back to sleep but other times I turn on a show and doze in and out.
Best moment this week: Getting to see our little GIRL!
Miss anything: I've missed being active with Josh. I'm grateful we can start up again!
Movement: I'm definitely feeling lots of movement! Her jabs and kicks are finally strong enough to feel on the outside sometimes
Food cravings: Grapefruit, strawberries, breakfast potatoes and cinnamon rolls. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have to eat as soon as I start to get hungry. Also vegetables aren't really tasting good except for the occasional salad. 
Have you started to show yet: Yep! I popped out a lot sooner this time around. I'm just embracing the belly :)
Gender: Girlie Girl!
Labor Signs: None 
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, some hip pain and the beginnings of heartburn
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy mostly. I get frustrated easily and lose patience with Josh much more quickly. I'm working on it :)
Looking forward to: The Christmas season and getting our house ready for another little one!

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