Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sea World and 18 months!

We've been crazy busy here lately! It's a great kind of busy though and I love having full days. Recently, I accepted a job teaching music on Fridays at a local private Christian school (which is so much fun it doesn't even seem like work!) so I now have 4 part-time jobs (crazy!) It sounds like a lot (and sometimes it feels that way too) but God is providing in wonderful and unexpected ways and I'm really blessed to be working out of my home for 2/4 of those jobs so I can still spend time with my Wubba man! Our days are very scheduled (otherwise I would lose my mind!) but we try to take the weekends to relax and be intentional with our family time.

One of the activities we decided to do as a family this year was Sea World passes. Jon and I had them during our engagement season and it was so much fun and way cheaper than Disney and they had an amazing BOGO deal on passes this year, so we took advantage of it (and Josh is still free until age 3). We've only been once so far this year but plan on going again this weekend. I know we will make lots of fun memories there. Josh's favorites were the fish and sharks! Here's some pictures of our trip!

Our sweet little man is now 18 (almost 19) months old! I can't believe he's halfway to 2 years old! Lately he has turned into quite the little parrot and is saying new words everyday and has started saying two or more words together like "please mama" and "night night mama." I can hardly keep up with his new skills but it's been so fun to watch! He's doing so well and I am so grateful to be his mama.

Age: 18 months
Weight & height: 24 lbs (he won't lay still long enough for me to measure him)
Favorites / loves: Playing outside, Elmo, playing basketball with Daddy, climbing, building block towers and knocking them down, cars/trucks, stuffed animals, reading (especially "Red Truck" and "Little Blue Truck"), dancing/music (favorite songs are "If you're happy and you know it" and "head, shoulders, knees and toes")
Favorite shows: Curious George and Elmo
New Words: Too many to list! My favorites are "eewal" (cereal), "Elmo", "dirt", "wawa" (water) and his shape names (he knows about 10!)
Working on: Counting, colors and not biting (he chases us around to bite our toes...and thinks it's hilarious!)

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