We are making progress on her room. This week Jon will be adding polka dots to her accent wall, setting up the rest of her furniture (and putting Josh's new big boy bed together too!) and I will be busy washing all her clothes, organizing and continuing to check off things on my to-do list. My nesting instincts have hit me pretty hard this time around so I'm cleaning out closets and drawers right and left. I'm grateful I still have energy to do that, although I'm usually pretty wiped out by the time Josh goes to bed. We also have Lylah's baby shower this weekend and Pop Pop, Gigi and Aunt Miri are making a trip down from Atlanta! Josh can't wait to see them!
We had some maternity/family pictures taken last week by a dear family friend and I am in LOVE with how they turned out! Josh did so well and I love that our photographer was able to capture candid moments of our 'real life.' Here's some of my favorites!
How far along: 36 weeks + 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: +24 pounds
Maternity clothes: I think I'm just going to stay in maternity jeans forever. Who needs buttons and zippers you know? Elastic waistbands forever!
Stretch marks: I have a few from Josh but I don't think I've gotten anymore yet!
Sleep: I'm still sleeping pretty well (much better than I did when pregnant with Josh). I'm waking up once to go to the bathroom and sometimes it takes me a while to go back to sleep because baby girl is usually VERY active during the night. Also heartburn will keep me up sometimes.
Best moment this week: Seeing our beautiful family pictures and setting the date for Lylah's delivery!
Miss anything: I'm starting to "waddle" so I miss walking normally, and poor Josh asks me to hold him all the time and it's just very hard on my hips so I have to tell him no a lot more which makes us both sad.
Movement: She's very squirmy and is pushing out all her little limbs. Sometimes it takes my breath away because I'm not expecting it. She still gets hiccups pretty much every day and moves the most when I'm trying to sleep :)
Food cravings: Vanilla soft serve ice cream, super cold ice water and I never turn down Chick Fil A!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn sometimes makes me feel bad when I'm laying down, but otherwise I'm feeling good!
Have you started to show yet: Um...yes. I feel WAY bigger than I did with Josh and much more "out." Everyone has been so encouraging though telling me I'm still small and compact (including my doctor!)
Gender: Girlie Girl!
Labor Signs: I'm getting Braxton Hicks and some cramps but nothing very painful. My doctor said I'm not progressing yet in effacement or dilation but it's still kinda early.
Symptoms: Swollen ankles sometimes at the end of the day, heartburn/indigestion, and overall pressure
Belly button in or out: Out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finishing Lylah's nursery, her baby shower this weekend and the final countdown of tasks before she gets here!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finishing Lylah's nursery, her baby shower this weekend and the final countdown of tasks before she gets here!
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