I'm a terrible blogger. Granted, I never promised I would be great at it, but lately I've been really terrible. Sorry. Don't be like me.
Our life since the last time I posted...uh in MAY! (again sorry!) has been very busy and full. In addition to the daily life things (i.e. keeping kids alive, having clean clothes to wear, making dinner that doesn't consist of pouring cereal into a bowl,) we went on a trip to GA, we had family come visit us, Josh turned 3 and started pre-school, we moved (again!), and Lylah turned 6 months. I know it may not sound like a whole lot...but it definitely feels like a lot!
Adjusting to our new normal has been a huge learning curve for me. Lylah has been a wonderful baby so far, but babies are needy. You who else is really needy? 3 year olds. So, my days are usually spent trying to meet the needs of these two needy children while still managing to remain patient, calm, and not beat my head against the wall or lock myself in the bathroom just for a few moments of peace. Yes, I'm being a bit sarcastic. I love my kids. I wouldn't trade these days for anything. Except sleep...I might trade a day for sleep.
I really can't complain about not getting sleep anymore. Lylah is doing amazing at night now. She's been sleeping through the night for the past 4-5 days now in her crib in her room. I was a bit nervous about the transition. We had to do a few nights of sleep training with Josh when we moved him to his crib, but he adjusted really well and still sleeps great. Lylah was waking up almost every hour at night for the past month when she was sleeping in our room, so I was kinda expecting that to continue. Jon and I are both surprised and grateful she is doing so well! We try to put the kids down at the same time so Jon and I can actually spend time together. For the most part, they both are asleep between 8-8:30 and Lylah will usually sleep 8-10 hours, get up to eat and we play for a bit and then she will take nap. Usually she falls back asleep once Josh wakes up. I also try to have them nap in the afternoon around the same time so that I can get things done (like the laundry doing and dinner making). It's amazing how different I feel now that I'm getting sleep. It really does change your entire outlook on life :)
Someone told me the other day that they really miss my recipes, which was the initial purpose of this blog to begin with. I miss them too! Right now, I stick to dinners that are easy and that I know my 3 year old and husband will eat. Most of those are already posted on here somewhere. I am planning on getting into some new recipes soon though and will try my best to share them as I create or try them.
My goal is to do separate blog posts on our summer happenings, but for now, enjoy these pictures of our life lately.
Summer days |
Cousins at the Science Center |
Race car ride with Mimi |
Celebrating Josh's 3rd birthday |
Daddy and his girl |
1st day of preschool! |
First Panther game of the season! |
Moving day! |
Buddies |
My joyful girlie |
Ice cream treat |
6 months old already! |
So big! |