I've been meaning to write this post for a while (about 3 weeks!) but between taking care of 2 kiddos, going back to work, and the daily demands of life, I haven't been able to sit down and do it! But now that she's almost 2 months old I figured it was time ;) Our days are so full (and honestly I have a hard time remembering what day it even is!) but I absolutely love our life right now. It's not glamorous - think poop, smashed goldfish in the carpet, mountains of unfolded laundry, and a mom who is lucky to get a shower once a day - but it's these days that I know I will miss most...so I'm trying to enjoy them!
Our first month with little miss Lylah has been so great. She is a wonderful baby! We had a slow start to breastfeeding/gaining weight (an emotional time for mama!) but now she is gaining weight and developing really well. By her 1 month appointment she was 7lbs 15 oz (more than a pound over her birthweight) but they advised me to keep feeding her every 2 hours throughout the day in order to help her gain faster. It has been a rough schedule to follow but I will do anything for my girl! She also has a bit of a skin rash that is taking it's time to clear up, so we are exploring the possibilities of a food sensitivity and mommy is dairy free for a while. I'm missing my ice cream and cheese! I'm hoping that it helps and that she will eventually grow out of whatever is causing her skin to flare up. Luckily she doesn't seem bothered by it too much and is happy most of the time so far.
Our wonderful church family and friends provided meals for us for a whole month (so grateful!) and we had an awesome visit from Pop Pop, Gigi, and Miri. We've also been spending lots of time at Mimi and Gray's new house (Josh LOVES their new pool) and just enjoying time together as a family of four. Here's some photos from our first month with our Lylah Jo.
My whole world in a picture :) |
Newborn expressions |
Hmmm...not sure about this sister thing |
Our first walk as a family of 4 |
First bath! |
Always smiling! |
Celebrating Grandma's 80th birthday! |
So sleepy |
Gigi with grand #4 |
Walks with the boys |
Getting some loving from Aunt Miri |
Gigi snuggles |
Pop Pop admiring his newest grand baby |
We love you! |
My smiley girl trying out her bouncer |
Success! |
At 1 month Old Lylah Jo is:
- 7lbs 15oz
- 22 inches long
- 25th percentile for weight, 75th for head circumference, 90th for height
- In newborn size diapers and clothes
- Sleeping all day, up all night :)
- Eating every 2 hours round the clock
- Enjoys baths, being swaddled and bounced by daddy, and sleeping on Mommy's chest
- Hates tummy time and dirty diapers
We love you Lylah!