I seriously can not believe our little boy is 2 already! I thought the first year went fast, but man this year went even faster. As much as I sometimes miss the newborn/infant days, I absolutely adore the little man Josh has become. It's so much fun to watch him learn, explore and grow. He fills our house with so much joy, laughter, and noise :)
We celebrated his 2nd birthday at our favorite park this year. We had a Sesame Street theme because he loves watching Elmo (although recently Little Einsteins has been the favorite) and we had a blast with family and friends. We love having people in our home, but it sure was nice to not have to clean this year! Less stress for Mommy! Here's some pictures from the party and a little update on our guy!
Birthday pancakes! |
He's a fan! |
Party in the park! It was supposed to rain all day but it was sunny and beautiful during his party! |
He talked about this cake for weeks |
Goody bags for our friends |
Sesame Street themed food galore! |
Loved these veg cups! I put ran in the bottom just before everybody got there |
All ready! |
Waiting for our friends to arrive |
Playing ball with the big guys |
Sliding with Daddy |
Party time |
Happy Birthday Wubba! |
Yay for cake! |
New bike from Mimi and Gray |
Wubba just loves these two...and so do we :) |
Most of our pictures turn out like this |
We love you so much Josh! |
Josh Stats:
Age: 2
Height: 34 inches
Weight: 27 pounds
Favorite Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs (his answer)
Favorite Show: Little Einsteins, Curious George and Elmo
Favorite Activities: Playing at the park, drawing with chalk, bubbles, stickers, playing basketball, riding his new bike, wrestling with daddy, playing cars and trains, and coloring
Favorite Songs: Bushel and a Peck (we sing it every night at bedtime), Wheels on the Bus, Old MacDonald, Jesus Loves Me, I See the Moon
Favorite Books: Red Truck, Alphabet Book (he knows all his letters really well!)
Working On: Saying the correct colors, counting, sorting by color and shape, obedience, trying new foods, learning opposites (hot/cold, big/small)