I don't know about you guys but I love Trader Joe's. Our closest one is not the most convenient place to get to (which is unfortunate) but when I do manage to go, I absolutely love it. Except for the parking lot...which is a different story. Anyway, I thought you guys might like to see what I buy from there on a
regular (about once a month) basis. I always love seeing what people like from Trader Joe's because I never feel like I get to peruse the aisles and see what all they have. Usually I'm on a mission to get my stuff and get out! I mainly shop at Publix (free balloon, coloring page AND cookie for my little guy makes it super fun) but I do think that Trader Joe's has some really great deals on certain things, so I try to stock up when I can. There's a few staples I didn't get because we didn't need them this time, but here's what I came away with this morning!
Quite an assortment! |
I always grab a couple bags of this broccoli and frozen peas because they are two vegetables that I know Josh will eat! |
This with some baked chicken, cucumber and dressing is dinner tonight! |
The top bag is roasted peppers and onions, which I love for fajitas and tortilla soup. Brussel sprouts because roasted with bacon...yum! |
For meat options I always get the spicy jalepeno chicken sausage (top left), uncured natural beef hot dogs (no nitrates or fillers), lean ground beef, and Italian frozen meatballs. I also pick up the gluten-free all natural chicken nuggets for Josh. Also not pictured is a bag of frozen chicken tenderloins which I use ALL THE TIME. |
This is pretty straightforward but: Cage free eggs, almond milk, organic yogurt for Josh, and cheese sticks |
This was a new purchase today. Josh has been on a yogurt kick lately and I wanted to try these for on the go snacking. I like that it includes additional probiotic! |
Bread, oats (for oatmeal and granola), and GF mac & cheese (or "doodles" as Josh calls them!) |
I don't buy these every time, just when I run out. I love, love, love the coconut oil spray and the salsa. The spaghetti sauce isn't anything special but it's cheap and we were out of ketchup. |
I decided to try a new kind of hummus (Josh likes hummus too on cucumbers) and picked up some cashews (great price!), and applesauce - some of Wubba's favorite snacks
You'll notice I didn't get much fresh fruit or fresh vegetables, and that's mainly because we get an organic produce delivery every other week and currently have plenty. So, this is mainly just pantry and freezer staples, with a few new things to try. I'm proud of myself for not getting any chocolate because let's be real...their dark chocolate bars are where it's at.
What are you're favorite things from TJ's? I'd love to hear and try some new things!!