Well the first day of "fall" was a couple weeks ago but it didn't start feeling like fall around here until just recently. And by feeling like fall I mean our highs are now in the 80's instead of the 90's. But it really does help!
With Halloween right around the corner and an entire weekend basically free of any plans we decided to take a trip to a Pumpkin Patch. Last year, Josh was only 2 months old when we went to see the pumpkins so he had a lot more fun this time. We went all the way out to Lake County to a patch my friend told us about. In addition to massive amounts of pumpkins they also have hay rides, horse and pony rides, zip lining and a petting zoo of farm animals. It was pretty fun and our Mimi and 3 aunties came too! Josh loved just walking around and picking up the little pumpkins and rolling the big ones around. He also got to ride a horse with Aunt Kristin! He was a little scared of the horses up close but really enjoyed riding one! We had a really fun day and look forward to carving the pumpkins we picked out! Here's some pictures from our time.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
4 Hour Beef Stew
"This is definitely one of your best ever."
Don't you just love hearing those words? Whether it's from your husband, kids or guests, when you get complimented on the meal you just spent time planning and preparing it just makes your heart soar a little bit.
I had one of those heart soaring moments the other night when I placed a bowl-full of this heavenly stew in front of my hubby and he didn't speak again until his bowl was licked clean. My 14 month old also had little to say since he was stuffing his face as well. This is a recipe that will go in my rotation for a while, especially now that the weather is cooling down (most of you wouldn't call 75 degrees cool but to us Floridians it is scarf weather!)
Enough gabbing. Here's the recipe. Make it. Tonight. Just do it. That's all.
4 Hour Beef Stew (adapted from The Pioneer Woman)
What you need ( I didn't take a picture of everything. Sorry!)
- 1 lb beef, cut into chunks. I got mine in the store already cut and just trimmed some of the excess fat and cut the larger chunks a little smaller.
- 2 T olive oil
- 1 small onion, diced
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 T tomato paste
- 4 C beef broth
- Couple dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
- 1 dry bay leaf
- 2-3 large carrots, sliced
- 1/2 lb waxy potatoes (I used little white and purple fingerling potatoes because they cook up fast!)
- Salt and Pepper
- Heat your olive oil in a large soup pot or dutch oven over medium high heat.
- Rinse and pat dry your beef. Then season liberally with salt and pepper
- Add 1/2 your beef into the pot in a single layer. Don't stir! You want it to get a nice sear on it because that will result in major flavor
- Allow the meat to cook 1-2 minutes, then flip it to the other side.
- Remove to a plate and repeat with the rest of the beef.
- There's the color you want!
- Once all the beef is seared and removed from the pot, lower the heat a bit and add your onion. Cook 1-2 minutes
- When the onions are starting to sweat, add your garlic and tomato paste. Give it a good stir to combine really well
- After 2 minutes, add your broth, making sure to use your spoon to scrape up all the browned stuff on the bottom of your pot!
- Add back in all your beef and make sure you get all the juice from the plate as well!
- Add just a dash of salt and pepper. You can season it more later if needed.
- Now add a couple dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
- Add in your bay leaf and bring it up to a boil, just for a minute or so.
- Reduce heat to low, cover, and let it simmer for the next 3 hours (the longer the better!)
- When you're getting close to the home stretch of the simmering time, go ahead and slice up your potatoes. The original recipe called for turnips but I didn't have any, nor did that sound appetizing so I went with these cuties. Feel free to add whatever floats your boat.
- Once they're sliced, add 'em right in to the soup. You'll notice how much my broth mixture has reduced by now and the smell...oh the smell is heavenly. I had to keep "shooing" my hubby away from the stove telling him it wasn't ready yet!
- Also slice up a couple - o - carrots and toss them in too. I kept mine kinda large and "rustic" but you could slice them smaller if you want.
- Stir everything together, cover and simmer another 30 minutes - 1 hr depending on the size and amount of your potatoes. You may also need to add a bit more broth or water to get enough liquid for your potatoes to cook in.
- Before serving, remove the bay leaf and taste to check your seasonings.
- Serve it up to your hungry peeps!
- Oh man this was so good! If you're feeling fancy you can add some fresh parsley on top. Clearly I was too hungry to be fancy this time. This stew was still pretty "brothy" which was fine with us. If you want it to be thicker, just take the lid off when you're simmering in the last 30 minutes and let some of the liquid cook out.
- This is 100% gluten-free deliciousness and it super easy if you plan ahead a bit! You could probably also make this in the crockpot but I liked just keeping everything in one big happy pot. My meat and potatoes man absolutely loved this and has already requested we have it again!
Don't you just love hearing those words? Whether it's from your husband, kids or guests, when you get complimented on the meal you just spent time planning and preparing it just makes your heart soar a little bit.
I had one of those heart soaring moments the other night when I placed a bowl-full of this heavenly stew in front of my hubby and he didn't speak again until his bowl was licked clean. My 14 month old also had little to say since he was stuffing his face as well. This is a recipe that will go in my rotation for a while, especially now that the weather is cooling down (most of you wouldn't call 75 degrees cool but to us Floridians it is scarf weather!)
Enough gabbing. Here's the recipe. Make it. Tonight. Just do it. That's all.
4 Hour Beef Stew (adapted from The Pioneer Woman)
What you need ( I didn't take a picture of everything. Sorry!)
- 1 lb beef, cut into chunks. I got mine in the store already cut and just trimmed some of the excess fat and cut the larger chunks a little smaller.
- 2 T olive oil
- 1 small onion, diced
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 T tomato paste
- 4 C beef broth
- Couple dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
- 1 dry bay leaf
- 2-3 large carrots, sliced
- 1/2 lb waxy potatoes (I used little white and purple fingerling potatoes because they cook up fast!)
- Salt and Pepper
- Heat your olive oil in a large soup pot or dutch oven over medium high heat.
- Rinse and pat dry your beef. Then season liberally with salt and pepper
- Add 1/2 your beef into the pot in a single layer. Don't stir! You want it to get a nice sear on it because that will result in major flavor
- Remove to a plate and repeat with the rest of the beef.
- There's the color you want!
- Once all the beef is seared and removed from the pot, lower the heat a bit and add your onion. Cook 1-2 minutes
Note: I got a massive onion in our produce delivery last week so I used what I needed and then froze the rest in either dices or slices. Great to have it on hand and already prepped for this recipe! |
- When the onions are starting to sweat, add your garlic and tomato paste. Give it a good stir to combine really well
- After 2 minutes, add your broth, making sure to use your spoon to scrape up all the browned stuff on the bottom of your pot!
- Add back in all your beef and make sure you get all the juice from the plate as well!
- Add just a dash of salt and pepper. You can season it more later if needed.
This is my little pepper shaker. Isn't he cute? |
- Now add a couple dashes of Worcestershire Sauce
- Add in your bay leaf and bring it up to a boil, just for a minute or so.
- Reduce heat to low, cover, and let it simmer for the next 3 hours (the longer the better!)
- When you're getting close to the home stretch of the simmering time, go ahead and slice up your potatoes. The original recipe called for turnips but I didn't have any, nor did that sound appetizing so I went with these cuties. Feel free to add whatever floats your boat.
- Also slice up a couple - o - carrots and toss them in too. I kept mine kinda large and "rustic" but you could slice them smaller if you want.
- Stir everything together, cover and simmer another 30 minutes - 1 hr depending on the size and amount of your potatoes. You may also need to add a bit more broth or water to get enough liquid for your potatoes to cook in.
- Before serving, remove the bay leaf and taste to check your seasonings.
- Serve it up to your hungry peeps!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Toddler Life
It's now safe to say that our little baby has grown into a full blown toddler. I absolutely love Josh at this age. Every day I feel like he is doing something new and soaking in the things we are trying to teach him. He is simply awesome and makes us want to have more just like him...but not quite yet :)
The past couple of months have been a bit of a learning curve for me as I am juggling some different jobs and keeping a 14 month old entertained but we're making it through! I feel like we have a good schedule down and have at least one day a week where I try not to plan much so Josh and I can just spend time together. I know I'm going to miss these days with him so I'm doing my best to set aside undistracted time each week to just enjoy my boy!
Josh's favorite things these days seem to change day to day. There's still some tried and true favorites though. He loves playing with his wooden puzzles and trains, anything with wheels and his "ball pit" that we keep in the living room. He's not a huge movie or TV guy but LOVES Baby Einstein. He laughs and giggles when he hears the music at the beginning because he knows it's coming on. Speaking of music he also loves dancing and grooving. He bends his knees and bounces and shakes his head around like Stevie Wonder. It's hilarious. He loves eating and has tried lots of new foods the past couple of months, although he still has his faves. He loves peas, broccoli, cheese, any type of fruit, black beans, chicken and ground beef. He also loves bagels with cream cheese in the mornings...mmm!
Josh is making lots of sounds and noises (he's a loud one...I have no idea where he gets that from!) He's not saying a ton of understandable words yet (so far we have dada, mama, mimi, cracker, book, doggie, go, uh-oh and he's been saying something that sounds like "here you go") but he's babbling in his own language which is hilarious. We are working on saying "gobble gobble" for Thanksgiving and he loves learning animal sounds. So far he knows dog, kitty, lion (our favorite), monkey, fish, duck. He also understands a TON and follows simple commands like "go get the Brown Bear book," "show me your smile" and "give that to mama." He's also learned to smile on command. It's amazing how much he understands!
We're in the midst of some separation anxiety...and it breaks my heart. Once a week he goes to the kids play area while I coach cheerleading and as soon as we walk in the door he knows I'm about to leave him and starts sobbing and clinging to me. It's the worst. It's only for an hour though and he's usually fine after 5 minutes. He does the same thing if we try to put him in his class at church...which is why I'm so glad he usually ends up staying with my Mom during the service. Never any tears with Mimi! We've also given up our Wubba pacifier (just the part he sucks on) because he bit the top part off! I cut off the broken part so he just carries the little stuffed frog around. I was prepared for a few hard nap times and nights without it since he always has it to go to sleep but so far he's done great and doesn't have any trouble sleeping without it! Yay!
Josh is walking everywhere and will be running soon I think :) Now that the weather is cooling down I'm excited to spend more time outside with him. He always loves when we go swing and play at the park so I'm sure we will be doing lots of that this fall. We also can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch next week and trick or treating soon!
The past couple of months have been a bit of a learning curve for me as I am juggling some different jobs and keeping a 14 month old entertained but we're making it through! I feel like we have a good schedule down and have at least one day a week where I try not to plan much so Josh and I can just spend time together. I know I'm going to miss these days with him so I'm doing my best to set aside undistracted time each week to just enjoy my boy!
Josh's favorite things these days seem to change day to day. There's still some tried and true favorites though. He loves playing with his wooden puzzles and trains, anything with wheels and his "ball pit" that we keep in the living room. He's not a huge movie or TV guy but LOVES Baby Einstein. He laughs and giggles when he hears the music at the beginning because he knows it's coming on. Speaking of music he also loves dancing and grooving. He bends his knees and bounces and shakes his head around like Stevie Wonder. It's hilarious. He loves eating and has tried lots of new foods the past couple of months, although he still has his faves. He loves peas, broccoli, cheese, any type of fruit, black beans, chicken and ground beef. He also loves bagels with cream cheese in the mornings...mmm!
Josh is making lots of sounds and noises (he's a loud one...I have no idea where he gets that from!) He's not saying a ton of understandable words yet (so far we have dada, mama, mimi, cracker, book, doggie, go, uh-oh and he's been saying something that sounds like "here you go") but he's babbling in his own language which is hilarious. We are working on saying "gobble gobble" for Thanksgiving and he loves learning animal sounds. So far he knows dog, kitty, lion (our favorite), monkey, fish, duck. He also understands a TON and follows simple commands like "go get the Brown Bear book," "show me your smile" and "give that to mama." He's also learned to smile on command. It's amazing how much he understands!
We're in the midst of some separation anxiety...and it breaks my heart. Once a week he goes to the kids play area while I coach cheerleading and as soon as we walk in the door he knows I'm about to leave him and starts sobbing and clinging to me. It's the worst. It's only for an hour though and he's usually fine after 5 minutes. He does the same thing if we try to put him in his class at church...which is why I'm so glad he usually ends up staying with my Mom during the service. Never any tears with Mimi! We've also given up our Wubba pacifier (just the part he sucks on) because he bit the top part off! I cut off the broken part so he just carries the little stuffed frog around. I was prepared for a few hard nap times and nights without it since he always has it to go to sleep but so far he's done great and doesn't have any trouble sleeping without it! Yay!
Josh is walking everywhere and will be running soon I think :) Now that the weather is cooling down I'm excited to spend more time outside with him. He always loves when we go swing and play at the park so I'm sure we will be doing lots of that this fall. We also can't wait to go to the pumpkin patch next week and trick or treating soon!
Here's some pics (and a video) from our fun-filled, toddler chasing life!
Fountain at Crane's Roost park |
I love his expression here! |
Me and my boy |
Looking for ducks |
That crinkle nose! |
Observing |
So big! |
He loves riding on daddy's shoulders |
Swinging at the park |
He loves when Katie is at our house during the week! |
Peek - a - boo in the curtains! |
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Peas and yogurt! Still getting the hang of the whole spoon thing |
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Broken Wubba :( |
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Big boy eating his kids meal at Chipotle |
Eating spaghetti and smiling on command :)
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