Joshua Holt is 10 months old today! He has now been out of my belly longer than he was in! Crazy!
We are having so much fun with our little man. His personality is so fun and we are learning more about him each and every day. He keeps us laughing (and praying) lots! I can't believe he will be a year old in 2 short months. Time is FLYING!
(I forgot his 10 month sign. I hadn't had caffeine yet when these were taken. Rookie mistake.)
New skills: This kid wants to walk so bad. It's so cute watching him try to figure it out. Lately he's been getting up on his knees (or one knee) and trying to hoist himself up. It's pretty funny. He wants to crawl everywhere and hardly sits still for more than a few minutes. He's walking well with the push walker and takes steps holding on to our hands. I bet he will be walking well by his first birthday, but we will see! He also is saying some new sounds (specifically gah and "k"). He always says the "k" sounds when we are reading books so we are pretty sure that his way of saying "book". He also babbles lots of bababa's and dadada's. He only said mamama's around mother's day and has since stopped. Sad for me...but I know it will come back around. He's also mastered "all done" in sign language and can follow simple commands like "get the ball" and "go find your wubba". He also started clapping recently and we are working on waving hi and bye. Adorable!
Measurements: He's 19 lbs and almost 30 inches long. Yep...still long and skinny! Wouldn't have him any other way! Clothes are hilarious though. He's all over the map in what fits. It just depends on the brand. He has a few pairs of 6-9 month shorts that we tightened all the way that fit pretty well and he can wear a mix of onesies (some 3-6m and some 6-9m). He's wearing 9-12m footie pajamas. Is there anything cuter than footie pajamas?
Favorite Food: Still eating pretty well. He eats a pretty solid breakfast and dinner everyday and usually snacks on puffs or crackers in the afternoon sometimes. We tried little bites of chicken recently and he wasn't too interested. He LOVES cheese. And red peppers. And waffles. He also still enjoys the pureed organic pouches of fruit and vegetables so we do those sometimes to make it easy on mama :)
Favorite Activities: Crawling, exploring, wrestling with daddy, playing on mom and dad's big bed, splashing in the bath, swinging in the park, reading books, going on walks with mama, playing patty-cake and peek a boo, tossing a ball, and dancing to Coldplay :)
Best Moments: Watching him learning to walk, hearing him say "book", waking him up in the morning, big smiles when dada comes home, and our carousel ride at the zoo (he giggled the whole time!) He's also still a major snuggler and gives the best hugs and kisses!
Taking a bath with cousin Winnie |
I can't even |
Finally had to get a gate! |
Morning breakfast giggles |
Learning to drink from a straw |
Swinging |
I hope he keeps his love for books |
Wrestling with Daddy |
Photo shoot with Winnie |
Picking the nose - pure boy |
Favorite |
Love this cute little dude |
We love you Josh!! You are the best boy in the whole wide world!