Josh's 3rd and 4th weeks of life pretty much consisted of packing, packing and more packing. Of course I couldn't do much of this packing since I was still recovering from the c-section but I made lots of lists and told Jon what to pack! Oh and I kept a tiny little human alive which is a huge accomplishment if you ask me! Here's some pictures of our moving progress!
My servant husband packing the night away |
Lots of boxes! |
Our living room was such a mess! |
A (messy) work in progress |
Packing up the kitchen |
Josh was happy to sleep while we packed |
Jon looks a bit overwhelmed |
We also had a few more visitors these weeks. First, my dear friend Janelle and her husband Eric, who are about to have a sweet baby boy of their own!
And my beloved friend Tammy, who has been a faithful mentor to me since before Jon and I got married. Will miss her so much!
We also had our last Sunday on the worship team at Grace. Such a sad day! We cannot say enough good things about this church and the people in it. Leaving these faces is one of the hardest things about this move. They threw us a great going away party so we could say our goodbyes to everyone!
Jon and I on our last Sunday |
Jon and Kyle - so sad |
Us and the Carden's (minus baby Lyric) |
Me and Stephanie aka stage manager extraordinare |
Us with Kyle and Katie Gentry |
Jon and Mike Price |
Me and Anne - love her! |
Josh with Kim and Norm |
Me, Josh, and Amber |
Chad, Rick & Jon |
Me and Josh with our favorite little buddy Reuben |
Us with Hilary - will miss her so! |
Us and Chad - our most wonderful worship pastor |
What Josh is up to:
- He is mastering the fencing pose
Love this picture of Josh "fencing" with daddy |
- Sleeping so well on his belly for naps (still on his back/side during the night)
Pouty little sleepy lips |
- He is now taking bottles full time (we had many issues with breastfeeding that I won't go into but let's just say Mommy and Josh are both SO much happier doing bottles only)
- He had his first photo shoot (another post on that coming soon)
- Had his first and second visits to church - did super well during rehearsal and LOVES the music
- Loves being swaddled when it's time to sleep - daddy is a swaddle master
- Giving us TONS of smiles in his sleep and after he eats. Too cute!
I'm hoping to post his newborn photo shoot pictures and about our moving day and first 2 weeks in Charlotte soon! Then I will finally be caught up and can blog in "real time". Whew! Happy Saturday everybody!